Uber Volunteer Part 2

California is experiencing a serious, dangerous, lifestyle-threatening drought.  So, like any good Angelino, I do a happy dance every time rain is forecast.  I Tweet odes to the wet stuff and take the kids out to play in this sad novelty known as precipitation.  I long to finally ‘break in’ my rain gear even though it is years old.

But not today.

Forces beyond my control threaten to literally rain on my parade.

Throughout the months of planning this grand, OUTDOOR, May event my mantra has been “it could rain on the day of the May carnival,” in response to any mention of increasing a budget item.  Now people think my neurotic chorus may have cursed the event because….



As each of us leading the community effort revert to our nervous  ‘tells’ —  hair twirling, repeated applications of lip balm, carbo-loading, pacing, random eruptions of rage and the like – I pick at my lip and scan weather.gov – hoping for dryer news… and feeling awfully selfish as a result.

The only good news thus far – the predictions of thunderstorms – WITH HAIL POSSIBLE NO LESS – has been pushed back by an hour so that crews might have another 59 minutes or so to set up the rides before being electrocuted.

As if I wasn’t driven to drink already?  I’m not sure my liver and nervous system can take this weather.

Stay tuned…. Next week, the post-event wrap up … provided I haven’t overdosed or been electrocuted.

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