Previous Life
As I mentioned in my bio, in one of my previous, professional incarnations, I was an independent film producer with a focus on documentary fare. On the off chance that a couple of you might be interested in checking out a title or two, here are some links. Thanks.

My one hit. The story of the tragic 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.
Some of my other films — which I swear are just as good:

The story of Spencer Windes’ evolution from a conservative Mormon missionary into a comfortably gay man, via contact sports.

This one examines Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, a bizarre form of child abuse where a mother pretends her child is ill – or actually makes the child ill – in order to gain sympathy and praise as a valiant caregiver. The film questions the validity of the diagnosis and instances where it was misused.

The story of a wrongfully convicted child abuser – and how biases put an innocent father and son in jail.